Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

We finally talked to a couple of doctors about the results from the CAT scan. The results were somewhat mixed. One of her tumors has showed significant decrease in size. It was about the size of a quarter in thickness and diameter and now it is about half that size. That is the good news, Praise the Lord. The not so good news is that some of the other tumors have actually grown in size. They are not huge and have not grown significantly but nonetheless are larger since the last scan. In addition we found that her bowel obstruction is actually caused by two places on the outside of her stomach. We do not know if these are new or were just not detected before. These places were pressing on her stomach creating a kink in her small intestine thus making her feel nauseous. I am so thankful to God that she is not feeling as nauseous as she was only a few days ago. After conferring with doctors we begin a new drug either today or possibly Tuesday. This new drug is not as difficult on the system as some of her previous chemotherapy's. So, even though we did not hear everything we wanted from the doctors there are still some reasons to rejoice. Of course we ask you to continue praying for Cindy's health and healing. Cindy could possibly leave the hospital today or maybe on Monday. Have a blessed day! Kevin

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thank you all for remembering us in prayer with regard to Cindy's last CAT scan. We are still waiting to hear the results. We thought we would have heard by now but sometimes these things take time. Since Sunday a lot has happened. Cindy could not seem to get over her nausea and so on Monday she was admitted to UNM hospital. It was determined her nausea and intense cramping were caused by another bowel obstruction. In the words of Yogi Berra, "This is deja' vu all over again." She was first diagnosed with an obstruction way back in May so of course this causes us great concern. Back then I was incredibly naive thinking the obstruction would be removed and we would go on our merry way. I had no idea what would ensue. Presently, we do not know the reason for this new obstruction. It could be that her bowel is just not working properly. This often happens in people who have had a tumor removed from their colon. The doctors do not think it is a new tumor, praise the Lord. So on Monday evening they put a gastric tube in her stomach to relieve the pressure that was building. Since this procedure she has not experienced nausea. The past couple of nights she has run a fever that has spiked to 103. This suggests she has some sort of infection going on somewhere in her body. They are running all sorts of tests to determine the cause. This week we were supposed to begin round five of her chemo regimen. We are not sure what her present condition will do to that possibility. All I know is that Cindy is very sick and in need of some healing time. Although she is very weary, she is still full of faith and hope. Just minutes before she had the gastric tube inserted into her stomach we were discussing the procedure with her surgeon, she reached out to me and said, "Kevin you pray for this good man who is about to do this procedure." So, I stopped the surgeon in mid-sentence and said "We are going to pray about this first." I held Cindy's hand and the surgeons hand and we talked to the great physician before I placed my beautiful bride into the hands of a fallible, human physician. She felt much better and the surgeon told us later the procedure went very well. As soon as I hear any news about the CAT scan I will post it on this blog. As always, thanks for your encouragement and support.

Your fellow struggler,


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Today Cindy received her CAT scan just as we anticipated. However, it took longer than we expected. She was in the room for about an hour. Part of the reason the CAT scan took longer was that she was feeling incredibly nauseas and was not able to keep the contrast solution down she had taken earlier in the morning. So, in order for the radiologist to get a good read, Cindy had to drink something else. Please pray for Cindy's spirit. After being sick so long she is starting to grow incredibly discouraged. Of course she is nervous about what we might find out today. I guess we all are. Frankly I am amazed at her tenacity. She is one strong and determined woman and yet weeks of nausea, diarrhea, weight loss and incredible weakness can knock you for a loop. I just keep hoping, praying and believing that she will get better and we will once again have some normalcy as a family. And that is what Cindy wants so badly as well. Today, I want to encourage each of you who read this blog to not take the wonderful blessings of health and family for granted. I know I have at times assumed too much and taken too many things for granted. I'm not sure I ever will again. I have asked you to pray for us often and you have honored those requests. Today, I am asking you to offer a prayer of gratitude for your spouse, your children, your job, your health and any other gift the Lord gives you. Too often we receive these gifts from the Lord's hand and never tell him how incredibly thankful we are. I know I am starting to preach but I am sure you would expect nothing less from me. And so as I conclude, won't you come while together I really am preaching! As soon as we hear something from the radiologist or our doctor I will let you know. Your fellow struggler...Kevin

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tomorrow is a big day for us as we are going in at 11:30 to do another CAT scan. I am asking that you pray fervently and specifically that the remaining cancer will be totally gone. Wouldn't that be awesome! I know that is bold, but we have a big God who does amazing things when we ask. So, once again I am asking that you continue partnering with us in this endeavor. Today Cindy woke up with fever. Her Oncologist prescribed some pretty powerful antibiotics yesterday. The medicine itself will make a person sick. Earlier today she was having difficulty keeping her food down. I am praying that her fever will be gone by tomorrow and she will begin to rebound. As always, thanks for remembering us. Kevin

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I appreciate Eugene Peterson's rendering of the New Testament he calls The Message. I especially like the way he handles Eph. 4:29. It says, "Watch the way you talk...say only what helps, each word a gift." Your kind and generous words to Cindy and me truly have been wonderful gifts. Each time we read a kind remark or warm sentiment we are encouraged and blessed. Thank you very much.

Now let me bring bring you all up to speed on where we currently are with regard to Cindy's treatment. Today she was scheduled to enter UNM for the first part of treatment cycle 5. I mentioned in the last blog she has been having some very difficult days. Really, she has not felt very well since her last treatment. It seems she has alternated between nausea and diarrhea and general fatigue all of which could be chemo related. On top of that she recently caught some sort of virus which gave her a sore throat and a moderate temperature. Today she has probably felt about as good as she can at the moment. Because she is pretty weak our doctor opted to give her a few extra days to build some strength before we start the next round. So if all goes according to plan, and of course you know by now that is highly susuceptible to change, she will be admitted to he hospital on Tuesday. In addition the doctor suggested we do another CAT scan. This will help us measure our progress to this point. The CAT scan is sheduled for Sunday at 11:30 so please offer a special prayer at that time. I am both pleased and frankly very concerned. We so much desire to hear some good news. An improved report, I think would be highly motivational to Cindy as of course she grows discouraged at times. Today in the doctors office I was talking about the various responsibilities for the week. I told her there was an open house at the Christian school on Thursday I needed to attend. As I was describing the event, big crocodile tears began to form in her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She hates to miss these sorts of things. My wife among other things is a superb mother. She has an insight and intuition into our children that I do not fully comprehend. But for now at least her job and focus is to get better. So now as always continue to pray. (Col. 4:2)

Your fellow struggler,


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The last few days have been really difficult for Cindy. She has had wave after wave of nausea and lost some more weight. She has been put back on TPN, which is protein and various minerals she receives intravenously. We are confident her weight will once again rise. Today, the slightest touch makes her sick. She needs to be still and quiet. Her chemo treatment last week was especially difficult. We take solace in knowing that she has only a couple of rounds to go before her next CAT scan. At that point we are praying that we will again get some very good news. Also, please pray for Cindy's mom, Barbara. She has been here most of the time since Cindy's diagnosis and surgery. Barbara has been an incredible asset in this struggle. I know she gets tired at times and yet she continues to be so positive and upbeat.

Our boys continue to do very well. They are excelling in school and seem to be happy and well adjusted. Of course they miss their mom terribly but they get to see her often. At night they pray the sweetest prayers for her. Last Sunday before our Westside church gathering Reid, our middle child and I went out to have a Mountain Dew at McDonald's. We were chatting about various things and he said, "You know Dad, we can't loose. We have God on our side!" He is so right. In his heartfelt statement he was sharing the essence of Romans 8:31 "If God be for us who can be against us." I know God is for us in this struggle and he is being glorified in ways we cannot even understand at the moment. We continue to be thankful for your support and prayers as well.

God bless you,


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Cindy was released from the UNM hospital on Friday evening after receiving all of her chemotherapy. Praise God she did not have an allergic reaction and she seemed to tolerate the addition of the new drug just fine. Thank you again for your wonderful prayers. Cindy has completed the first half of the fourth round of chemotherapy. (I hope that communicates!) She will be infused with another drug on Thursday to complete round four. There are only two rounds to go before we check our progress with another CAT scan. This week Cindy has felt very tired and depleted. She has not, however, felt as nauseous and for that we give God praise.

Cindy still spends most of her time at the Brazell's but occasionally is able to come home. The boys and I miss her terribly but we know this separation is only for a short while and is best for her healing right now. She is making miraculous progress and we know God is glorified through everything. Cindy's weight and strength is a constant concern. After this last round of chemo she has again lost some weight. Please be in prayer for her overall health and strength. Many of you know from experience that Chemotherapy really takes it out of you. I am so grateful for the way you all are partnering with us in prayer. (Col. 4:12) We continued to be encouraged that many hundreds of you are remembering us before the throne of God everyday. Amen!

Have a blessed day!
