Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thank you all for remembering us in prayer with regard to Cindy's last CAT scan. We are still waiting to hear the results. We thought we would have heard by now but sometimes these things take time. Since Sunday a lot has happened. Cindy could not seem to get over her nausea and so on Monday she was admitted to UNM hospital. It was determined her nausea and intense cramping were caused by another bowel obstruction. In the words of Yogi Berra, "This is deja' vu all over again." She was first diagnosed with an obstruction way back in May so of course this causes us great concern. Back then I was incredibly naive thinking the obstruction would be removed and we would go on our merry way. I had no idea what would ensue. Presently, we do not know the reason for this new obstruction. It could be that her bowel is just not working properly. This often happens in people who have had a tumor removed from their colon. The doctors do not think it is a new tumor, praise the Lord. So on Monday evening they put a gastric tube in her stomach to relieve the pressure that was building. Since this procedure she has not experienced nausea. The past couple of nights she has run a fever that has spiked to 103. This suggests she has some sort of infection going on somewhere in her body. They are running all sorts of tests to determine the cause. This week we were supposed to begin round five of her chemo regimen. We are not sure what her present condition will do to that possibility. All I know is that Cindy is very sick and in need of some healing time. Although she is very weary, she is still full of faith and hope. Just minutes before she had the gastric tube inserted into her stomach we were discussing the procedure with her surgeon, she reached out to me and said, "Kevin you pray for this good man who is about to do this procedure." So, I stopped the surgeon in mid-sentence and said "We are going to pray about this first." I held Cindy's hand and the surgeons hand and we talked to the great physician before I placed my beautiful bride into the hands of a fallible, human physician. She felt much better and the surgeon told us later the procedure went very well. As soon as I hear any news about the CAT scan I will post it on this blog. As always, thanks for your encouragement and support.

Your fellow struggler,



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm praying for you, Cindy and the kids. I'm praying you have peace and joy despite your circumstances. It sounds like you are holding up well and doing the right thing, trusting our Creator to use this all for good.

I'm praying for Cindy's strength and the children's lonliness from missing their mom.

Always praying! Kari Sohn-Ferguson, St. Louis, Missouri

9/30/2006 4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin and Cindy,
There is never a day, almost never an hour, that Jack and I are not in prayer for you. I know it must be incredibly hard to remain strong through this brutal battle but you have so many hands holding you up. I come to this blog every day for news from you, but also for encouragement for myself from the comments left by others. What an unbelievable gift the Lord has given us in one another. You must surely draw much strength from this well. Please be assurred of our love for you and our constant pleas for your healing. You have united an army of God's people from so many places who are as one as we cry to our Father for Cindy.
Much Love,
Beth Vanderpool

9/30/2006 6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,

Mike and I continue to pray for your family. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and wish you peace on this difficult journey. The love and faith that you have in our God continues to be a shining beacon for those of us who are witnessing this journey. The love and devotion that you have for each other continues to show the power of God's love as well. Please know that not only is our family praying for you, but we ask everyone we know to pray for you as well.

In Christ's Love,

Anne Marie

9/30/2006 12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Kevin and Cindy...we, like you, are still waiting to exhale! This has seemed like the l-o-n-g-e-s-t week ever! Every day, sometime two or three times a day, we'd check the blog for ANY news of the CAT scan results. We prayed UNCEASINGLY for you. comes this news--some good, some scary. We are so pleased that the nausea has left Cindy but...the fever...ugh! Our darling Cindy...our tiny, fragil Sweetheart going through this just makes us wish we could take some of it upon ourselves just to give her a break. To hear how BRAVE and SELFLESS and FAITHFUL TO GOD you've been is such an incredible model for us all! We continue to hold God to his Word. We just LOVE Jeremiah 29: 11- 13 and hope that it can lift your spirits: "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you."
We pray too, with all our hearts, that this promise will come to pass SOON and SWIFTLY. Know that we join you in your tears and your joy too. We wait for more good news! We love you more than you can know. Teri & Paul

9/30/2006 10:17 PM  

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