Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Update from the Owen House

I want to say thank you all very much for the way you have supported and prayed for us through Cindy's illness and eventual passing. I have intended many times to bring everyone up to speed on how we are doing and have just not taken the time. I am finding life to be very busy at the moment. I have new found admiration and respect for single parents.

I think all in all we are doing well. Of course, we all miss Cindy very much. Although their is a huge absence in each of our lives I do see joy coming back into the boys hearts. God has been with us every step of the way during this painful journey. At times we may not feel or sense God's presence and yet I know he has been the one leading us, giving us strength, and sustaining us through the difficult months.

One of the blessings of being a parent is listening to your children pray. I learn so much from their tender and child like faith. About a month after Cindy's passing Trey would still pray for the Lord to "heal mommy." Even though he had attended the funeral and I answered many questions about death and where mommy was, it still did not register with him. Finally, after one of those prayers for God to heal mommy Reid said, "Trey, God did heal mommy! She's in heaven." And so now Trey will often thank the Lord for mommy "because she is now in heaven."
I am doing well. I have probably learned more the past year than I have in all my previous years combined. In another post in the coming days I will share some of the things I have been learning. I think I also at some point want to hear what God has been teaching you.

Your prayers and words of encouragement are still a constant blessing to us.

I love you all very much,
