Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Let me begin by updating you on Cindy's progress this week. On Tuesday Cindy was supposed to begin her fourth round of Chemotherapy. Her white count, however, was extremely low and so more than likely she will begin the fourth round this Tuesday. The low white count is attributable to her chemotherapy. She was given a shot of some sort in the doctors office this week that is designed to stimulate her white count. If all goes according to plan, when we see the doctor next Tuesday her count will be high enough and she will be admitted to the hospital for a day or two and be given her chemotherapy. You may remember the last time she received this particular drug she had an allergic reaction. This time they are going to give her the drug at a much slower rate. Instead of the four hours it normally takes, it is going to take 24 hours. The goal is to help her become more tolerant of the drug. I am really praying this will work as we have had such good results from that therapy. I believe another week to get stronger is not a bad thing. Cindy now weighs, drum roll please, 100 pounds. Amen! (I realize just a few months ago advertising her weight would have gotten me in deep, deep trouble...I digress) Her weight is up from the 84 she weighed just two weeks ago. She is getting stronger and healthier by the day. My bride is starting to look like the old Cindy: as beautiful and radiant as the day I married her 17 years ago.

Several of you have asked about the prayer pager. Through an administrative oversight it was turned off. It has now been turned back on. You may recall the number is 505-969-7777. Remembering Cindy in prayer and calling the pager is one of the most encouraging things you can do. Regardless of whether or not you call, thanks for remembering us in prayer. God continues to bless us both in incredible and unexpected ways.

Have a great week and do not take the myriad of ways God blesses you for granted! (I Thess. 5:16-19)



Blogger Unknown said...

Great news. Glad to hear that Cindy if gaining weight. Was there ever a time when a woman wanted to hear that?

Also, I was beginning to go through withdrawal every morning with your pager being down. I've developed a ritual: get a cup of coffee, pray for Cindy, call the pager. I don't know which of the three is the most addictive! :)

8/24/2006 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you started this blog. believe it or not I found it by going to google and putting in “Cindy Owen's Blog” and it came up! I know my family is greatful to hear all the news that is going on.
It seems like Cindy is doing better. That is such great news! I know it has been a hard summer, but know that you have a lot of prayers going up for your family everyday! We pray that your kids do great in school this year and that Cindy is brought back to her most wanted health!
Keep the updates coming!
Constantly Praying,
Rachel Dolan

8/26/2006 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,
Riverside continues to lift you and your family up in prayer at every service. In addition, our ladies prayer group, which meets every Tuesday evening, prays for you fervantly. It has been a blessing to observe your faith through the blogs and in seeing you and your family and the peace that seems to cover you, in spite of the pain and struggles you are all dealing with. God is teaching all of us a lot through you. I must tell you, as one of Chase's teachers, I'm so moved and impressed by him and his spirit. I know he is carrying a lot on his young shoulders, but he handles life and the demands of school, etc. with such maturity and grace. His deep faith and trust in God, and his love for his family and others shines in his soul. I know you are proud of him. We love you all and are going to the Father on your behalf.

8/27/2006 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful that her weight is up! I'll be praying for her white cell count and also for the medication she is to have this week. We love you all and miss you terribly. There is a possibility that we would get to come and see you in October. We'll be in touch and let you know if that's going to work out. In the mean time, keep eating Cindy!! Love, Kristi

8/28/2006 9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL NEWS! We anxiously wait for even BETTER news at Cindy's next "check up"! We continue to pray for you and yours and look forward to the day when things will be like they were before...Love you more than you know...Teri & Paul

8/29/2006 7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy,

I'm so glad that you haved gained weight and are feeling better. I will continue to keep you and your loved ones in my prayers daily.

I have always been amazed at your faith and trust in the Lord! I have been taught by a lot of Christian women, and have been blessed by those teachings as well, but you have a special gift when you teach and God's love shines on your beautiful face when you are sharing his words!

Cindy, stay strong and know that there is a constant stream of prayers being lifted up to heaven on your behalf 24 hours a day!

Your Sister in Christ,

Anne Marie Van Horn

8/31/2006 10:01 AM  

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