Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

One of the tools that has blessed our lives the past few weeks has been the prayer pager. I must thank my brother-in-law Scott McDowell for suggesting the idea to our worship minister John Magnuson. A couple of days after John and Scott talked, John made the necessary arrangements to make sure we had a pager. The pager has been very encouraging to us especially this morning. About 4:00 am Cindy awakened with waves of nausea. As she struggled to keep the little bit of food in her system down, I kept hearing the pager go off in the background. What a blessing to know that someone was up at that early hour bringing Cindy's name before the Father. Although I am certain the person praying had no idea as to Cindy's specific need at the moment, our Sovereign God did. Amen! We just never know the efficacy of our prayers. The person or persons who brought Cindy's name before the Father early this morning made a huge difference. Although we do not know and may never know who that godly prayer warrior was, I want you to know we are very, very thankful.

Cindy has had two very good days. She received two units of blood on Sunday from our great friends Reuben and his daughter LoriAnn Gutierrez. These special people just happen to have Cindy's blood type. Cindy said, "With LoriAnn's blood coursing through my veins I can't help but have more energy!" After the infusion of blood she has had renewed strength and vigor. Cindy has also been eating a little more and has even gained a couple of pounds.

Although today has not been quite as good as the previous two days I believe we are still seeing some progress. Tomorrow we begin Chemo again. Typically the day of Chemo is pretty good. She gets very nauseous about two-three days following treatment. I know I sound like a broken record but please pray that the chemo will be effective in fighting this horrible disease. About a week after this round of Chemo Cindy will have a series of tests to measure our progress.

It is so good to hear from many old and new friends alike. You are truly a blessing from God.



Blogger Bob Teel said...

Dear Cindy and Kevin, You've been in our daily thoughts and prayers for your healing. My mom and dad are praying as well and ask for updates whenever I talk to them. You know, Cindy, I could spend a lot of time remembering good times, like all you girls making lasagna sauce in my little kitchen for the elder, deacon, preacher appreciation, or a picture of you, Jeni and Brad in swimsuits in the back yard doing "who knows what"! and lots more. But most of all I think of a beautiful young woman with an incredible smile. I just want you to know you are loved very much by all of us. Stay strong and hold onto the Father's hand. Linda

7/12/2006 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,
I've said it before and I will say it again, you guys may be blessed by the "prayer pager" but we are continually blessed through your blog writing. I LOVE it! Whoever suggested it needs a raise, a hug or something!
Seriuosly, it means a lot to your friends and family that you take the time to write your thoughts down for all of us hear. It makes me feel closer to you both and feel more of a connection than when we just recieve updates at church. Thank you for being so open with us and keep on blogging!
FYI, we will all keep sounding like a broken record too, but it needs to be said...You are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, in our prayers. Your family has given me new meaning to the verse "pray without ceasing". Love you, Bonnie Bassham

7/13/2006 7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin & Cindy,
I'm so glad to hear that Cindy has had a couple of good days. I know those were a welcome change. And thank you so much for keeping us all posted using this blog thing! We are all SO anxious to hear any news on Cindy's progress ... good or bad. You're not alone there in that hospital. I know you must have tons of visitors from your new church family, but don't think for a second that your old church family isn't right there with you too, because we are ... in spirit. I was trying so hard to figure out a way to come up with the funds to fly out there ... perhaps me and my mom, Beverly, to see you guys and tell you face to face how much we love you. Haven't quite managed to find a way, but hopefully it's the thought that counts, and believe me when I say, I DESPERATELY wish that I could come and see you and wrap my arms around you both and tell you how much I love you and am rooting for this whole ordeal to be behind you soon. I was showing Kensley in her scrapbook the picture of the two of you, and your young Chase at the hospital when you came to visit us upon her birth. Of course, she does not remember, but I certainly do. And I wish SO BADLY that I could return the favor now!!! But again, please know that I am there in spirit ... holding Ms. Cindy's hand. I love you girl. Hang in there, and you're not alone ... far from it. Thank you both for being a CONTINUED inspiration to us all. Keep blogging. We'll be watching! Love you both! - Karla

7/13/2006 9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,
While it makes us sad that you are having to go through this, we can't help but marvel at God's glory and how you are allowing His light to shine regardless of the circumstances. You all have always been a blessing in our lives, and even more so now. I keep thinking about how Cindy and I would waddle around the neighborhood in Georgia with our pregnant bellies and talk about everything under the sun. How I miss those times with her. Please know that your whole family is in out thoughts and prayers constantly. We love you, Mark and Kristi, Jake and Kyle

7/13/2006 12:17 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Dear Kevin & Cindy,
Bonnie said so beautifully what's been on my heart. She's SO right about having new understanding for "praying without ceasing." You are all constantly in my heart and prayers and I truly do love you all. And thank you so much for sharing so much of yourselves with us through this blog. It means SO much to me and to all of us!
Love you all,
Kim Scott

7/13/2006 3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linda...I have so many good memories as well with you and the kids. You both have been incredible influences. Stay on your knees!

Bonnie...I appreciate so much your prayers. You and Brian are such wonderful servants. Thanks also for covering some of my "mother" worries in regard to the trampoline.

Karla...I love you, too. Blogging is the next best thing to being there.

Kristi...I, too, miss those days when we walked around the neighborhood and psychoanalyzed Mark and Kevin. We never did quite get those guys straightened out, did we? I miss you girl!

Kim...You are a beautiful young woman that I admire and love. I still need to connect with you about one of my nurses that we need to reach out to named Mindy. We'll talk later.

I love and thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for your great support.

Cindy Owen

7/13/2006 4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy- It was wonderful to see your beatiful face at church Sunday for Chase's baptism. Continue to improve and we'll see you out and about. When you are stronger. we'll go to lunch. We love you. Burt and Joyce

8/09/2006 1:23 PM  

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