Cindy Owen

This blog has been created to serve as a gateway to inform the friends and family of Cindy Owen. Kevin will make regular postings as to the condition of Cindy and her treatment.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we loose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?" Romans 8:31ff The Message.

Eugene Peterson has blessed us immensely with his rendering of the New Testament in contemporary English. I especially like his paraphrase of Romans 8. A few weeks back, I got up early and read Romans 8 out of the Message, spent some good time in prayer and I remember having a sense of peace all day long. Many things out of the chapter spoke to me that day. I was reminded that our bodies are temporary. One day God will give us new, eternal, spiritual bodies. We will have a glorious body that will not be affected by cancer or any other disease. Our struggle with all that is fallen will be over. In addition, we will inhabit a "new heaven and earth" and will reign with our Lord forever. I was reminded that our life here is a mere preparation for the next. While this life is hard, seemingly unbearable at times, the next life will be as God intends. It was also encouraging as I thought about the extent to which God was willing to go to re-establish a relationship with us. The passage states, "God did not hesitate to put everything on the line for us...". The cross forever answers the question, "Does God really love us?" The phrase, however that spoke most powerfully to me that morning was, "With God on our can we loose." Part of the human condition is our mortality. We like to think we will live forever but hidden somewhere in the edges of our minds is the nagging thought that one day we will die. As we age, or as we are faced with a life threatening disease that thought moves from the periphery to the center of our thinking. Quite honestly, I never had to think much about that possibility. However, all that changed on May 13th, the night of Cindy's surgery. When you hear the word "cancer" suddenly you are faced with some pretty stark possibilities. Your mind begins to ponder things you had never before even considered. And yet Paul is absolutely right. For the Christian, we can't loose. If God allows us to live, we live for Christ. If God calls us home, we get to live with Christ. For now, I will live for Christ but I know one day, I will pass from this life to the next and I will see Jesus in all his resurrected glory. For those of us in Christ we will hear him say, "Well done." That is what sustains me today.

This week is another chemo week. On Thursday in addition to the two drugs Cindy normally receives, she will also get a new drug that is designed to stop any potential spread of her cancer. We are so thankful to God for the good news she received last week from the CAT scan. Our prayer of course is that the cancer will continue to decrease in her body until it is gone! Please continue to pray that Cindy's nausea will be more manageable and she will be able to eat more. She still has not been able to consume enough calories to keep her weight up. She needs to be strong for the fight. I know, however she is doing her best to eat.

Thanks for your prayers and wonderful words of encouragement. When we read your remarks at times we laugh, smile and often cry. Your words are humbling and such a blessing. You are helping to sustain us in a difficult and dark time.

God bless you today,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're thanking US for the encouraging words?? Thank YOU for the encouraging words!! You are both an inspiration and I thank God for your wisdom, strength and courage during this difficult time. I look forward to the updates! We love you all, Kristi

7/25/2006 1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We praise our God for the answered prayer! So grateful to Him for hearing and healing. That so little hope was granted from the beginning - from the medical field - is a testament to God's power and control over all things.

Romans 8 has long been my favorite chapter in the Bible, and 8:18 in particular. This verse has sustained me through all this life has thrown at me, big and small, physical and emotional, past and present. I memorized it way back in my teenage years when I was carrying a different version, and I still prefer the wording to my NIV (that rarely happens, huh?).

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us." Praise be to God that no matter what, we have a home with him!

You are in my constant prayers - all of you. Sending lots of love your way from Powder Springs, GA!

Stacy Gray

7/25/2006 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! It's wonderful to be able to check in every few days and get an update (as well as some inspiring words you might share with us, Kevin!)
We are saddened to know that Cindy is, once again, going through a rough chemo week; however, if this is what it takes to get rid of this monsterous cancer, then we pray that she is strong and willing to endure it. Please continue to KNOW that WE ARE WITH YOU all the way on this! YOU, and your whole family, are in our prayer daily and we praise God for your courage and your FAITH! We love you so much! Teri & Paul

7/25/2006 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin and Cindy,
I'm catching up on all your news. It sounds like you've had some really tough times, but your spirits are strong and you're getting the encouragement you need. But, really, your readers are the ones benefitting from your daily missives. Thank you so much for expressing your faith is such a poignant way. It's a beautiful thing to see how God is working so powerfully in your lives. You are so right. There's no way we can lose with God on our side.

Tom, the kids and I send our love. Your friends in Jesus, The Beesons

7/25/2006 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOUR words give us all faith. We pray for your continued strength and thank you for the living testament of love and courage as you go thru these difficult days. God will be triumphant! HE lives and we praise HIS name! My prayer life has become more active than it has ever been and I KNOW HE HEARS!
Sending love to you all,
Marty Vaughn

7/25/2006 4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin my heart aches that I cannot be there to give you more support and help with the boys,but we are trusting that the Lord will Provide Please give Cindy and Kay and the boys our lovd. Dad

7/25/2006 5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cindy, you are constantly on my heart and in my prayers. Our family is praying for you when we wake in the morning, at every meal and every bedtime. We rejoice with your recent good news and we will be praying like crazy that this next round of chemo and the new drug will completley wipe the cancer out! Keep fighting!

Kevin, Elizabeth would like to know if Trey and Reid could come over and play with her and Colton sometime when you bring them to work with you. Please let her know, I know that she would enjoy having them over.

We love you guys. Thank you for being such a blessing and example to us all.


7/25/2006 5:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kevin, you read my thoughts almost exactly. I've been reading John 11. You might want to check out my latest blog posting.

The news about Cindy is great and we rejoice with you. But our ultimate victory is in Christ alone. As you wrote earlier, "We can't lose." Suffering may have a word but Christ has the last word.


7/25/2006 8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone to Care Jimmie Davis wrote in his chorus, "Someone to care, Someone to share all your troubles like no other can do; He'll come down from the skies and brush the tears from your eyes. You're His child and He cares for you." Good thoughts.

7/26/2006 9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear of your progress! Yippee is all I can say!

All our love,

the Hinsons in OK

7/27/2006 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin and Cindy,

You are both inspirations to so many people!!! When I was back traveling in Tennessee this summer, I was impressed by how many people know you, love you, and are praying for you. (And as you requested, I caught a few lighting bugs and drank some sweet tea in your honor!)
Keep the faith!

7/27/2006 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin and Cindy,
Not a day goes by that we don't lift your name to God - we love you both so much and miss you -Cindy terribly! I hope this finds you surrounded by His wonderful peace and love.
Love, Sharon and Hoyt

7/27/2006 10:15 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Kevin & Cindy,

The Lord gives us a special grace for every trial we face. I saw this yesterday on a church sign (can't even remember what church) and immediately thought of you guys. And then there's James 1:2-4, which was a favorite of my Uncle Larry's before he went home with God:

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

The trials that you guys have been facing have not only made your faith stronger, but the faith of those who love and care for you, myself included. You guys are SUCH a blessing to me and I thank God for you each and every day. I also pray for complete healing. Hang in there; each day is a new day, a day to get a little bit better than the day before, and one step closer to healing. I can't wait to see you again, Cindy!

Love you all,
Kim Scott

7/27/2006 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of yours asked her friends to pray for Cindy and her family and subsuquently referred me to your blog for updates. What a blessing to my life. I have a dear friend and co-worker who just finished her year long chemo treatments for breast cancer. She is a survivor! There is always hope and as you have written our hope in Christ is for today and tomorrow! Praise be to God! Your words also encourage me as my mother is in hospice care in a nursing home and there are so many hurting people there - I will print out your words and take to them to share and encourage those lovely people and their families as well. - Love and prayers from one of some many people praying for you in Oklahoma.

7/28/2006 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I awoke in the middle of the night and my thoughts and prayers were for you and your healing and for strength to endure. I know the Lord will make a way.

7/28/2006 9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin, Cindy, and boys,

We continue to pray for your family. We know how hard the journey can be when you are fighting cancer. Stay strong and know that there are so many Christians out here praying for you! Everywhere we go, we ask people to pray for you.

Cindy, stay stong and take it one step at a time. What comfort in knowing that Jesus is right there taking those steps with you, or better yet, I know he's carrying you in his loving arms!

In Christian Love,

Anne Marie, Mike, Dustin, Kyle, and Travis Van Horn

7/29/2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger John Mark Hicks said...

Kevin and Cindy,

I have been out of town for a long time and have now just caught up with your news. I am grateful for the good news!

And the good news contained in Romans 8 is also one of my favorites--the hope of redemption, the value of groaning and the assurance of God's love in Christ are key elements of my faith and journey.

May God continue to bless you both in this healing process and most of all give you peace.

Romans 15:13

John Mark Hicks

7/30/2006 4:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,
Just got my FHC Alumnogram over the internet and saw that Cindy had been diagnosed with cancer and that you were requesting prayers on her behalf. Please know that I, among others, are praying for you. September of 2005, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and after surgeries, started chemo in November. Thanksgiving day I was taken to the ER thinking all I had was a little dehydration caused by the chemo. I ended up being admitted to the hospital and spent the next 15 days in the hospital. Fortunately, I don't remember much about those days in the hospital but my fear was that with my body reacting to the chemo so severely, would I continue to get chemo treatments to hopefully rid my body of the cancer. Fortunately one of the three drugs that had been used was the culprit and so my chemo continued in January. Each of my treatments were 4 days long with a two week "break" between each one. Unfortunately, my breaks were spent in the hospital as my white blood cell count would go through the basement and my fever would spike. Doctors couldn't figure out what was causing my fevers so they ran a series of tests, did an MRI, ultrasound and a CT scan. Blood clots were discovered in one of my lungs and lower abdominal area. This is what had caused my fever. But the BEST NEWS was that no cancer was found to be in my body. And I had only completed 3 of the 4 treatments! This was rare I was told and I can attribute this "healing" as an answer to many prayers. Today I am going to my oncologist for a regular check up and hopefully the cancer is still absent from my body. Don't know how people make it through chemo and cancer without a faith in God.

My last round of chemo was completed on February 23 and ever since, I have been in the bouncing-back mode. It's amazing how quickly your strength returns after you complete chemo.

May God grant you your full health and may you once again be strong!

In Christ,
Nancy (Shields) Martin
Georgia AGAPE

7/31/2006 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Cindy,

We are sending many prayers, hugs and well wishes from Connecticut. Though the years have been many since we've spoken, I think often of your loving friendship.

Please know that so many of us are thinking of you daily - and praying for your healing.

Love always, Tina (Gray), John, Sam, Abby and Michael Cunningham

8/09/2006 1:47 PM  

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